Eclipse Power Yoga Studio Spokane - Joanne Heyamoto

Joanne Heyamoto Scholarship Fund

Just three months shy of when we opened our doors, Scott’s mom Joanne passed away from pancreatic cancer. Dedicated to her loving memory, we have established the Joanne Heyamoto Scholarship Fund.

About Joanne

Joanne was instrumental in giving and serving to us, and we want to pay that forward. This scholarship fund will allow those to gain access to studio membership or Empowered U Teacher & Leadership Development Training that might not otherwise have the opportunity.  When we say "You Belong Here", we truly mean it. 

If you would like to contribute to this fund, you can do so by clicking the Donate button above. If you or someone you know would like to apply for scholarship funds, we encourage you to do so through our application process above.

Eclipse Power Yoga Studio Spokane - Joanne Heyamoto
Eclipse Power Yoga Studio Spokane - Joanne Heyamoto
Eclipse Power Yoga Studio Spokane - Joanne Heyamoto


A very special thank you goes out to the donors of the Joanne Heyamoto Scholarship Fund!

Matt & Cathy Santangelo
Kris McCaig
Kat Ledgerwood
Lisa Sunderman
Tom & MOlly BeIl
Ann Marie Hoppe
Tricia Stombaugh
Larissa Zens